Code Ramp

Our pre Code-Ramp, Code-Ramp, and Code-Ramp ++ courses gives students the opportunity to learn a variety of knowledge in coding that can be used throughout their lives and careers

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  • Course Details:

    • Course length: 6 weeks

    • Classtime: Mon + Wed 6-9pm (optional office hours on Tues + Thurs 6-9pm)

    • Location: Remote (Zoom link provided upon enrollment)

    2024 Course Dates:

    • Mar 4 - Apr 10

    • May 20 - Jun  26

    • Nov 4 - Dec 11

    Pre-Work (OPTIONAL)

    This pre-work is completely optional. However, if you're eager to get started on your coding studies here are some resources we'd recommend getting started with. 

    Getting Started...

    You'll be onboarded to a few online tools when you join Code Ramp—including Google Classroom, Slack, Replit, and Zoom. If any of these are new to you, we recommend spending some time getting familiar with them. 

    During the Course...

    Code Ramp will introduce a lot of new material very quickly — this is part of learning to code! If you're ever looking for additional practice on top of the assignments provided, there are additional resources and suggested readings posted in the Google Classroom with each lesson. These are typically pulled from the Udacity Intro to JavaScript online course and Eloquent JavaScript textbook. So those are great supplemental resources.

    If you want extra support from the teaching team. Take a look at how to request a tutor or book one-off tutoring appointments.

    After the Course...

    After Code Ramp wraps up, we have some suggested resources and next steps to recommend. We typically go over these during the last week of class. 

    This is also when you'll want to consider what your next step is. Some common next steps are outlined below.

    Potential Next Steps:

    • Repeat Code Ramp (appropriate for those who aren't feeling 100% comfortable with material covered in Code Ramp.)

    • Sign up for Code Ramp++ (must complete all Code Ramp assignments first)

    • If you're feeling solid on the fundamentals, you  may consider going straight to a bootcamp. See more on Bootcamps.

    • If coding doesn't feel like the right fit for you, you may choose to pursue a non-technical path. 

  • Course Details:

    • Course length: 6 weeks

    • Classtime: Mon + Wed 6-9pm (optional office hours on Tues + Thurs 6-9pm)

    • Location: Remote (Zoom link provided upon enrollment)

    2024 Course Dates:

    • Mar 4 - Apr 10

    • May 20 - Jun  26

    • Nov 4 - Dec 11

    Pre-Work (OPTIONAL)

    This pre-work is completely optional. However, if you're eager to get started on your coding studies here are some resources we'd recommend getting started with. 

    Getting Started...

    You'll be onboarded to a few online tools when you join Code Ramp—including Google Classroom, Slack, Replit, and Zoom. If any of these are new to you, we recommend spending some time getting familiar with them

    During the Course...

    Code Ramp will introduce a lot of new material very quickly — this is part of learning to code! If you're ever looking for additional practice on top of the assignments provided, there are additional resources and suggested readings posted in the Google Classroom with each lesson. These are typically pulled from the Udacity Intro to JavaScript online course and Eloquent JavaScript textbook. So those are great supplemental resources.

    If you want extra support from the teaching team. Take a look at how to request a tutor or book one-off tutoring appointments.

    Find a Tutor

    After the Course...

    After Code Ramp wraps up, we have some suggested resources and next steps to recommend. We typically go over these during the last week of class. 

    This is also when you'll want to consider what your next step is. Some common next steps are outlined below.

    Potential Next Steps:

    • Repeat Code Ramp (appropriate for those who aren't feeling 100% comfortable with material covered in Code Ramp.)

    • Sign up for Code Ramp++ (must complete all Code Ramp assignments first)

    • If you're feeling solid on the fundamentals, you  may consider going straight to a bootcamp. See more on Bootcamps.

    • If coding doesn't feel like the right fit for you, you may choose to pursue a non-technical path. 

  • Course Details:

    • Course length: 8 weeks

    • Classtime: Mon + Wed 6-9pm (optional office hours on Tues + Thurs 6-9pm)

    • Location: Remote (Zoom link provided upon enrollment)

    2024 Course Dates:

    • Apr 22 - Jun 12

    • Sep 9 - Oct 30

    Getting Started...

    Code Ramp++ leverages your knowledge from both Pre-Code Ramp and Code Ramp to dive deeper into frontend programming concepts. To best prepare for this class, we advise you to refresh your memory of the materials covered in both of those prerequisite classes. 

    During the Course...

    In addition to learning more advanced HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills, you will bring all of these learning together through a small project.

    If you want extra support from the teaching team, take a look at how to request a tutor or book one-off tutoring appointments.

    After the Course...

    After Code Ramp++ , you'll want to consider what your next step is.  Some common next steps are outlined below.

    Potential Next Steps:

    • Start planning for a Bootcamp

    • Repeat Code Ramp++

    • Return to Code Ramp (if Code Ramp++ felt far too fast, you may want to go back and brush up on the basics)

    • If coding doesn't feel like the right fit for you, you may choose to pursue a non-technical path.